ATC Patient Lists

  • Creating an ATC Preadmissions My List - (Handout) Set-up instructions for a My List that includes information about patients the ATC has been contacted about related to internal and external transfers.
  • Save the ATC Intake Patient List as a Favorite - (Handout) The Admission and Transfer Center (ATC) Intake List includes information related to patients routed through the ATC for internal or external transfer. Save this list as a Favorite for easy access.

General Patient Information Resources

  • Creating New Patient Medical Record Numbers (MRNs) - (Handout) New patients need a Medical Record Number (MRN) created if they do not already exist in Epic.
  • Death Tracking - (Handout) When the ATC staffs receive a phone call from a provider/staff member that a patient has passed away in house they would create a CRM to document information on the CRM Death Tracking SmartForm. The form is completed entirely with information given by provider/staff member. The CRM is resolved the same day.
  • Marking Patients for Merge - (Handout) When duplicate patients are created in the system by accident, the identity team can merge the two patient records. If a potential duplicate patient is identified on the front end, the patient should be marked for merging so it can be reviewed for a possible merge.
  • Merging a LINK MRN - (Handout) When outside facilities send patient information to UIHC via UI CareLink, a LINK MRN (temporary Medical Record Number) is created which must be merged with a patient’s permanent MRN. The Patient Merge activity is used to merge the LINK MRN with the permanent MRN.
  • Request Locked Patient Records - (Handout) If a patient record is locked, users can request access. The user who currently has the record open receives a notification and can Close, Snooze, or Deny the request for access. 
  • Scanning External Legal Court Order Discharge Documents - (Handout) Provides the steps for scanning an external legal court order discharge documents into Epic using the Media Manager activity as well as processing a rescinded external legal court order discharge document.
  • Update Patient Demographics - (Handout) When ATC staff create an intake for a patient where address and contact information is unknown, they should update the patient’s demographics as soon as the information is received.

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