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Admission Orders

  • Admission Bed Request Order - ATC - (Handout) An Admission Bed Request order, that includes level of care, is required before Bed Planning to a UI Healthcare unit can occur. Providers are responsible for placing this order, but in the event the provider cannot place the order in a timely fashion, the ATC Nurse can accept a verbal order to initiate the placement of the Admission Bed Request order.
  • Admission Bed Request - Ambulatory Clinics - (Handout) When a UIHC ambulatory clinic provider determines that a patient requires admission to the UIHC, an Admission Bed Request order with level of care is required before Bed Planning to a UI Healthcare unit can occur. The bed request order will trigger the Admission & Transfer Center (ATC) to find a bed for the patient.

Admission Workflows

  • Code STEMI Workflow - (Handout) Admission and Transfer Center staff will receive calls for Code STEMI patients transferring from outside facilities that need to be bed planned to the Cath Lab and to CVICU.
  • Direct Admission Workflows - (Handout) Use the Transfer Center activity to document intake steps involved with a patient coming from an outside facility (or home) to a UIHC inpatient unit. This document addresses the general, ICU, Psych, and stroke workflows.
  • Direct Admission Workflow - Labor & Delivery - (Handout) Use the Transfer Center activity to document intake steps involved with a patient coming from an outside facility (or home) to a UIHC inpatient unit. This document addresses the Labor & Delivery workflow.
  • Emergent Admission - (Handout) ATC may receive calls from an Ambulatory unit or an HOD when a patient requires an immediate admission to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The ATC will complete the admission regardless if the patient is physically on the unit yet.
  • Entering a New Preadmission - (Handout) A preadmission is entered in Epic with the New Preadmission Questionnaire. Use the following steps to Create, Update, and Delete it.
  • GIP Hospice Conversion - (Handout) The Admission and Transfer Center will be notified to convert current inpatient admissions to GIP Hospice admissions upon approval.
  • HOD Admit - (Handout) When either a procedure is scheduled to the DDC Procedure Suite, or a provider places a Bed Request Order during an appointment in an HOD (Hospital Outpatient Department) area, the ATC staff will add a Level of Care order and pre-assign to the unit.
  • Planned Admits - (Handout) A pending preadmission will be placed by front desk staff when it has been determined that a patient needs to be admitted. These patients will be found in the Direct Admits group of Bed Planning.
  • Procedure Admits - (Handout) Scheduled procedures will be monitored for bed planning needs. The Admission and Transfer Center staff will assign levels of care for all procedure patients and bed plan for patients who require a bed after surgical procedures (PreOp and Same Day Admit). Hospital Outpatient Surgery patients can be planned to the areas scheduled to perform the procedure.
  • UIHC Ambulatory Clinic Admit - (Handout) When a clinic provider places an admission bed request order on a patient they are seeing in clinic today, the request populates the Transfer Center pending tab so an internal triage can be completed before the request moves to Bed Planning.

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