Unified Communication allows you to communicate with other team members within Epic Secure Chat and receive Epic alerts from alarms and devices. Secure Chat includes both text and voice communication on mobile devices (Rover, Haiku, or Canto) and text communication with Hyperspace. 


The following resources provide information on Unified Communications functionality. 

  • Epic Alerts - (Handout) Unified Communication allows you to receive alerts in Epic. These alerts will be sent within Hyperspace and mobile applications of Epic, which supports a quieter work area and allows for clinical staff to stay informed quickly.
  • Unified Calling with Mobile Applications - (Handout) With a single tap, you can call a colleague from Epic Rover, Haiku, or Canto, without needing to switch back and forth between applications or log into multiple applications. You can call from different areas within the mobile application. While using Epic to call, you can easily review a patient's chart and complete follow-ups.

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