Canto is Epic's mobile app for the Apple iPad®. Haiku is Epic's mobile app for use with smartphones (both Android and Apple iOS devices). The clinician can view patient information, review test results, access the schedule and patient lists, review selected folders from the In Basket, and capture images and videos using the Canto or Haiku mobile app.

App Download and Device Configuration

Canto Handouts

  • Canto Quick Start Guide - (Handout) A comprehensive overview of Canto, Epic's mobile app for the Apple iPad.
  • Capturing Images/Videos - (Handout) Clinical staff can use the cameras integrated into their Canto devices to capture clinical images and videos for the patient.
  • Set VidyoConnect as Default for Video Visits - (Handout) In order to conduct Vidyo video visits through Canto on the iPad, it is necessary to change the default setting in the iPad Safari web browser to launch the mobile version of the Vidyo website.
  • Subscribing to Result Notifications for Lab/Imaging - (Handout) Clinicians have the ability to subscribe to lab/imaging result notifications on their mobile device using the Haiku app for iPhone/Android or Canto app for iPad.

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Haiku Handouts

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Canto & Haiku eLearnings

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