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Cadence (Scheduling/Check In/Check Out)
Cadence is Epic's scheduling module used to schedule and track patient appointments. This includes functionality such as canceling and rescheduling; maintaining provider schedules; utilizing the wait list; and special scheduling workflows involving accident-related appointments and scheduling from appointment requests.
Cadence Resource Pages
Cadence Main Page | Cash Drawer | Check In/Check Out | Department-Specific Resources | Document Collection | Registration (Appointment-Level & Patient-Level) | Scheduling
The following documents provide information on Scheduling functionality in Cadence.
UI Patient Access Center website
Scheduling Workflows
Basic Workflows
- Overview of Making Appointments (CAD052) - (eLearning: 8.5 min) Book It is used to schedule appointments.
- Creating New Patient Medical Record Numbers (MRNs) - (Handout) New patients need a Medical Record Number (MRN) created if they do not already exist in Epic.
- Scheduling in Book It - (Handout) Book It enables staff to schedule using various views and various types of appointments.
- Location Sorting While Scheduling - (Handout) Solutions can be sorted by distance from the patient's home ZIP code when scheduling.
- Scheduling an Appointment Using “Copy into Book It” - (Handout) “Copy into Book It” is a scheduling option that may be used to schedule follow-up appointments from existing appointments that are in a “scheduled” or “completed” status. This is commonly used when follow-up orders are not available for scheduling. This activity copies appointment information from the existing appointment into the Book It activity for easier scheduling.
- Scheduling an Existing Patient (No Orders) - (Handout) Scheduling a basic appointment for an existing patient at UIHC involves patient-level registration, scheduling the appointment, and appointment-level registration workflows. Appointments are generally scheduled from the patient’s Appointment Desk.
- Scheduling with One Click- (Handout) “One Click” appointments can be scheduled (and often checked in) quickly into the next available time slot. See department-specific One Click tip sheets here.
- Scheduling with Panels - (Handout) A panel is a group of visit types that are typically scheduled together.
- Scheduling Recurring Appointments - (Handout) Recurring appointments are a series of appointments, for the same patient, which take place on a regular basis.
- Scheduling Sequential Appointments - (Handout) Sequential appointments are two or more visit types scheduled in the same entry process and can consist of any number of visit types and providers.
- Scheduling Group Appointments - (Handout) Schedulers can schedule patients in a group. Group scheduling might be a combined visit, such as a group therapy visit. Group scheduling can also be separate appointments for each patient where coordinating the visits is beneficial, such as scheduling a family for back-to-back visits.
- Manually Schedule a Joint Appointment - (Handout) A joint appointment is a single visit scheduled with multiple providers or resources using one visit type.
Open Access Workflows
- Scheduling a Presurg Evaluation Clinic (PEC) Appointment - (Handout) Staff have open access to schedule Presurgical Evaluation Clinic (PEC) appointments more than one day into the future. Appointments should be scheduled from an order. For same day / next day scheduling, page 6796 for approval.
- Scheduling for 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring - (Handout) Schedule a patient for 24 hour Blood Pressure (BP) Monitoring using open access scheduling.
- Scheduling for Clinical DXA Scan - (Handout) Schedule a patient for a Clinical DXA Scan (bone densitometry) using open access scheduling.
- Scheduling Into Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) - (Handout) All staff have open-access to schedule a patient into Food and Nutrition Services. Note: Please refer to department scheduling guidelines for those departments with a dietician.
- Scheduling for IDx Exam - (Handout) All staff have open access to schedule clinical IDx Exams. IDx is a system that detects diabetic retinopathy, and the exam is done at IRL only.
- Scheduling MyChart Video Visits - (Handout) For patients in Iowa with a concern about an infectious respiratory illness (such as the Novel Coronavirus - COVID-19), a video visit can be scheduled after determining appropriateness. The patient must have a MyChart account to complete the video visit.
- Scheduling Preventative Care (Annual Physical) Visits - (Handout) When a patient with a Primary Care Provider (PCP) in our organization is overdue for their annual physical, a pop-up message displays on their Appointment Desk when opened. Anyone can and should schedule these visits following the instructions in the pop-up message.
- Scheduling for Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) - (Handout) Schedule a patient for Pulmonary Function Testing using open access scheduling.
- Scheduling a Screening Mammogram - (Handout) Screening mammograms can be scheduled for patients who need an annual mammogram. The following guidelines must be followed: • Patient must be symptom free; transfer to Radiology Scheduling if patient has any breast symptoms: 319- 356-3444. • Do not schedule screening mammograms when in conjunction with other breast imaging scans (e.g. breast ultrasound). • Must be scheduled 12 months or later following the last screening mammogram for patients with Medicare A&B.
Appointment Requests
NOTE: Information regarding Appointment Request Workqueues is found under the "Workqueues" header at the bottom of this page.
- Creating Appointment Request Reminders - (Handout) Automated reminders can be added to appointment requests.
- Scheduling from an Appointment Request - (Handout) Orders placed in EpicCare can be scheduled in Cadence. When scheduling from an appointment request, the system automatically selects the appropriate visit type if one is linked. Requests can be scheduled from either the patient’s Appointment Desk or from the Appointment Request Workqueue. Requests can also be linked or unlinked to existing appointments.
- Linking/Unlinking Requests to Existing Appointments - (Handout) Appointment Requests can be linked or unlinked to existing appointments from the Appointment Desk. This can be done for future or past appointments, including after end of day processing has run on an appointment.
- Making a Canceled Request Schedulable - (Handout) Unexpired appointment requests that are manually removed from the Appointment Request workqueue can be made reschedulable.
- Order Up Scheduling for Clerical Staff - (Handout) Order Up, available from a patient's Appointment Desk, allows staff to schedule quickly and easily from an Appointment Request. Only available for some Appointment Requests.
Accident Related
- Accident-Related Encounters (Claim Information Record) - (Handout) When scheduling or checking in an accident-related appointment, additional information needs to be collected regarding the accident. Claim Information Records keep track of information related to an encounter that is accident-related. A Claim Information Record must be created for the accident and attached to each encounter related to that accident.
Appointment Desk
- Accessing an Existing Patient's Appointment Desk - (Handout) Accessing the Appointment Desk for an existing patient will require a search by their name/MRN.
- Appointment Desk Components - (Handout) Most scheduling starts from the patient’s Appointment Desk. The Appointment Desk displays information regarding the patient’s demographics, guarantor, insurance coverage, appointment history, future appointments, schedulable orders, and more.
- Appointment Desk Overview (CAD050) - (eLearning: 3 min) Video provides an Overview of the Appointment Desk.
- Appointment Desk Patient Messages - (Handout) Patient Messages can be used to communicate scheduling details about a patient. These messages display on the patient’s Appointment Desk sidebar and in Access Storyboards.
- Filtering the Appointment Desk - (Handout) The Appointment Desk tabs can be filtered to display only relevant information.
Appointment Alerts
- Confirming an Appointment Accidentally Canceled by a Patient Using Interactive Appointment Reminders - (Handout) If a patient erroneously cancels their appointment via text or e-mail when they meant to confirm the appointment and the cancelation has not yet processed in Epic, UIHC staff can intervene and correct this pending cancelation by confirming the appointment for the patient in Epic.
- Documenting a Patient’s Appointment Notification Preferences - (Handout) Patients can choose to be notified via email and/or MyChart (or opt out of notifications) when any of the following occur: an appointment is scheduled, canceled, changed, or missed (“Appointment Notifications”); an AVS is available; a wait list offer has been sent. These preferences are stored in the patient’s Communication Preferences activity and can be turned on or off by staff per the patient’s preference.
- Documenting Appointment Reminders - (Handout) Appointment Reminder Preferences indicate how a patient prefers to be contacted to remind them of an upcoming appointment. Up to two reminder types can be selected.
- Patient Updates from the DAR - (Handout) In case of a clinic delay or similar clinic disruption in which a patient notification is necessary or of benefit, supervisors can send a message for affected appointments from the Department Appointments Report (DAR).
Cancel/Reschedule/Moving Appointments
- Canceling and/or Rescheduling an Appointment - (Handout) An appointment can be canceled and/or rescheduled from the patient’s Appointment Desk or the DAR.
- Converting Office Visits to Telemedicine Visits for Front Line Staff - (Handout) There are may be times when it might be necessary to convert current in person appointment to telemedicine appointments, either due to patient condition or provider/ clinic availability.
- Moving Appointments between Providers - (Handout) Appointments can be moved from one schedule to another in the View Schedules activity.
- Reschedule Report - (Handout) The Reschedule report can be used to find and contact patients when they need to be rescheduled due to a provider change (eg, template change).
- Using the Follow-up Report - (Handout) The Follow-up report allows users to track and process incomplete appointments.
Care Everywhere
- Identifying a Care Everywhere Referral - (Handout) Care Everywhere referral information will display in various activities in Epic and the Care Everywhere activity can also be opened from these activities.
Chart Review
- Opening Chart Review for Front Desk Users - (Handout) Front Desk users can most easily open Chart Review from Patient Station.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- CRM for Schedule Variance Tracking - (Handout) When a scheduling variance is identified or perceived to be outside of “ideal” scheduling or check-in times, a CRM is created to document the variance and outcome.
Facilitated Access
- Scheduling a New Patient Visit for a Facilitated Access Patient - (Handout) “Facilitated Access” patients are patients who have been determined to be offered improved access for new patient visits. These patients have specific insurance plans. To improve access for facilitated access patients to new patient visits / appointments, these patients should be scheduled within 10 calendar days. If the 10-day window is not accommodated during scheduling, a warning will display alerting the scheduler to schedule within 10 days after selecting the slot. If the scheduler continues forward through the warning and schedules the visit beyond the 10-day window, they are prompted to select a reason.
- Automatic Ticket Scheduling - (Handout) For some orders, patients can receive a “Ticket” for scheduling. This means the patient can schedule the follow up visit for themself in MyChart or from an email link if they don’t have MyChart. The orders will display in the relevant workqueue as well.
- Bundle Scheduling Tickets (CAD906) - (Elearning: 4.5 min) If a patient has multiple orders that are appropriate to send as tickets to MyChart, the tickets can be bundled and the scheduling order can be specified when appropriate.
- Bundle Scheduling Tickets - (Handout) If a patient has multiple orders that are appropriate to send as tickets to MyChart, the tickets can be bundled and the scheduling order can be specified when appropriate.
- Manual Ticket Scheduling (CAD903) - (Elearning: 8 min) Learn how to send patients with MyChart an appointment request for self-scheduling.
- Manual Ticket Scheduling - (Handout) Learn how to send patients with MyChart an appointment request for self-scheduling.
- Sending a MyChart Activation Message - (Handout) The MyChart Signup activity can be used to generate an activation code and email or text it to the patient. This is only available for patients age 12 and older.
- Send MyChart Message from the Appointment Desk - (Handout) For patients with Active MyChart accounts, MyChart Messages can be sent from their Appointment Desk.
New Call
- Documenting a New Call Patient Communication - (Handout) The New Call feature allows users to record communication with a patient, such as attempts to reach the patient to schedule an appointment.
Patient Care Teams and Sensitive Visit
- Adding a Provider on the Fly - (Handout) The Provider on the Fly activity allows users to create a provider record when it does not currently exist in the system.
- Marking a Visit as Sensitive - (Handout) Marking a visit as “Sensitive” will prevent the visit-level documentation from being shared with outside entities. The documentation will not be available through the Iowa Health Information Network (IHIN), Care Everywhere, UI CareLink, or Comm Management, but will be viewable to the patient in MyChart. This functionality is only available for outpatient visits.
- Patient Care Team/EMR Information Sharing Matrix - (Handout) This matrix provides details on the Epic activities used to share patient information from the Epic system.
- Updating the Patient Care Team During Scheduling, Check In, and Registration - (Handout) The Patient Care Team activity provides a single access point for managing the relationships a patient may have with a variety of providers involved in their healthcare. The Patient Care Team is reviewed and updated during Scheduling, Check In and Registration. (Other roles have access to edit the Care Team, as well.) In addition, the PCP is verified on the Checklist during Scheduling and Check In workflows when it displays as unverified.
Patient Lookup
- Potential Duplicate Records Window - (Handout) When creating a new patient MRN (Medical Record Number), the Potential Duplicate Records Window will pop up showing any patients with similar information. Closely review this information to determine if a potential duplicate patient may already exist. If there’s an existing match, then use the existing patient MRN rather than creating a duplicate.
Patient Not Present
- Patient Not Present Appointments - (Handout) The “Patient Not Present” (PNP) scheduling workflow is used when a Hospital Account Record (HAR) needs to be created for a patient that is not present but for whom billable services are being provided. Examples of when a Patient Not Present encounter would be used include: • Various lab specimens received • Outside tests are performed and sent to the UIHC to be read by our providers, including radiology exams • Optical Shop & contact lens • Pathology specimens for diagnosis/consultation • Other reasons Staff may schedule same-day appointments using the standard scheduling workflow or they may use One Click. One Click must be set up for a department. To schedule appointments for past dates, the standard scheduling workflow must be used.
Provider Schedule
- Interpreting Provider Schedules (CAD060) - (Elearning: 5 min) The Schedules view in Book It and the View Schedules activities show the schedule for a provider.
- Interpreting Provider Schedules and Making Minor Changes - (Handout) Schedulers can access the provider schedule during the scheduling workflow using Book It. The provider schedule can also be accessed without being in the middle of the scheduling workflow using the View Schedules activity. Both activities allow users to schedule and make short-term edits or exceptions to a provider’s schedule.
- Making Minor Changes to Provider Schedules (CAD016) - (Elearning: 11.5 min) Make minor changes to a provider's schedule, including setting time and individual days on hold and unavailable, and editing slots.
- Running the Template Audit Trail Report - (Handout) The Template Audit Trail Report displays changes made to a provider’s template, including the type of change made, date and time of the change, and user who made the change. The report can be run from within the Edit Template or Edit Template for Single Day activities, or through the Epic button.
- Updating the Encounter Provider - (Handout) The Schedule Provider Change button allows the user to update the Encounter Provider from the Schedule.
Quick Care and Urgent Care
- Marking an "Open Scheduling" Time Slot "Unavailable" for Quick Care and Urgent Care - (Handout) Under certain circumstances, Quick Care and Urgent Care front desk staff may need to mark “Open Scheduling” time slots “Unavailable” so that patients cannot self-schedule into them.
- One Click Scheduling for Quick Care and Urgent Care - (Handout) Front desk staff at Quick Care and Urgent Care locations schedule patients upon their arrival to the clinic using “One Click” Scheduling.
Scheduling with Referrals
Surgical and Procedural Pre-Authorizations
DDC, Dermatology, HVC, Neurosurgery, OBGYN,Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Urology, and Vascular Surgery
- Scheduling Procedural Appointments from the Schedule Referrals Workqueue - (Handout) A referral record is automatically created from a case or procedure order. Procedure orders that require appointment scheduling will appear on the Schedule Referrals workqueue.
Incoming and Internal Referrals
Note: Incoming and Internal Referrals content has been moved to the web page below.
Incoming and Internal Referrals website
- Adding Guarantor Account Notes During Scheduling - (Handout) When there are changes to a patient’s insurance information, if the patient already has a guarantor record, schedulers may add a Guarantor Account Note to collect the insurance information. This information will fall to a PFS Registration Workqueue so the insurance can be updated later.
- Cadence Registration (Appointment-Level & Patient-Level) - (Webpage) Registration is reviewed and updated during scheduling, check in, and check out. Appointment-Level information is specific to the appointment or visit, such as bill area and referring provider. Patient-Level information pertains to the patient regardless of the appointment (ex: patient demographics).
- Overview of the Snapboard - (Handout) The Snapboard is most commonly used to view, edit, and schedule appointments.
- Changing an Appointment from the Snapboard - (Handout) Date and Time of appointments, Appointment Notes, Providers/Resources (for example, if the CRC Check-In Desk was forgotten), and Appointment Lengths can all be changed from the Snapboard by using the right click menu.
Wait List
- Using the Wait List - (Handout) The Wait List is used to track patients who either have an appointment in the future but want to be seen sooner, or do not have an appointment in the future but want to be contacted if there is an opening.
- Canceling a Request from the Appointment Request Workqueue - (Handout) Requests on the “Active” tab of the Appointment Request workqueue can be manually canceled.
- Deferring within Workqueues - (Handout) Users may defer a list item within a workqueue for a given length of time. This moves it to the Defer tab of the workqueue. At the end of the given length of time, the list item (e.g. account or transaction) will return to the Active tab of the workqueue.
- Filtering Workqueues - (Handout) Workqueues can be filtered and saved as favorites to provide quick and easy access to the most commonly used workqueues.
- Reviewing Workqueue List Basics - (Handout) To find patients that have referrals and need to be scheduled, the Referrals Workqueue List is used to quickly find these patients.
- Transferring Requests in the Appointment Request Workqueue - (Handout) Requests in the Appointment Request workqueue can be manually transferred from one departmental workqueue to another. A reason for can also be entered to clarify why the order is being transferred.
- Working Front Line Patient Workqueues - (Handout) Front line Patient workqueues are worked by staff on a daily basis to correct errors on appointments that must be fixed.
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