Cadence (Scheduling/Check In/Check Out)

In Cadence, Registration is reviewed and updated during the scheduling and check in and check out workflows. Appointment-Level Registration contains information specific to the appointment or visit, such as bill area and referring provider. Patient-Level Registration contains information that pertains to the patient regardless of the appointment and where it is scheduled or checked in. Examples include: patient demographics and contact information.

Cadence Resource Pages

Cadence Main Page  |  Cash Drawer  |  Check In/Check Out  |  Department-Specific Resources  |  Document Collection  |  Registration (Appointment-Level & Patient-Level)  |  Scheduling


The following documents that provide information on Appointment-Level & Patient Level Registration functionality in Cadence.

Appointment Level

  • Adding Guarantor Account Notes During Scheduling - (Handout) When there are changes to a patient’s insurance information, if the patient already has a guarantor record, schedulers may add a Guarantor Account Note to collect the insurance information. This information will fall to a PFS Registration Workqueue so the insurance can be updated later.
  • Adding Guarantor Notes at Check In - (Handout) At Check In, if a patient identifies a change to their insurance, front desk staff can add a guarantor note using Note type "Check In Insurance Information [340]" with the updated insurance information. This note type populates a PFS Registration workqueue. Front Desk staff should also scan the new insurance card.
  • Changing Appointment Type from Outpatient to Inpatient - (Handout) An Appointment Type can be changed from outpatient to inpatient by using the Appointment Information activity.
  • Documenting Preferred Language and Indicating Interpreter Needs - (Handout) A Preferred Language must be documented for all patients. Interpreter needs should also be documented for patients in Registration.
  • Updating Appointment Information - (Handout) Occasionally, the details of an appointment (appointment notes, arrive by time, attending provider, referring provider, or bill area) may need to be updated outside of the scheduling and/or check-in workflows.
  • Updating the Encounter Provider - (Handout) The Schedule Provider Change button allows the user to update the Encounter Provider from the Schedule.

Patient Level

  • Creating Guarantor Account Notes - (Handout) When a patient does not have a guarantor account, one can be created in Registration.
  • Creating New Patient Medical Record Numbers (MRNs) - (Handout) New patients need a Medical Record Number (MRN) created if they do not already exist in Epic.
  • Documenting No Primary Care Provider - (Handout) The patient’s PCP (family doctor) is documented in the Care Teams activity. If the patient does not have a PCP, “No primary care provider” must be documented.
  • Editing a Patient's Date of Birth - (Handout) Most users do not have access to update date of birth. In case of possible error, users should create a new MRN and Mark for Merge instead or contact appropriate staff to update if needed immediately.
  • Marking Patients for Merge - (Handout) When duplicate patients are created in the system by accident, the identity team can merge the two patient records. If a potential duplicate patient is identified on the front end, the patient should be marked for merging so it can be reviewed for a possible merge.
  • Patient-Level Registration - (Handout) or Patient Level Registration (PRE901) (eLearning: 12.5 min) - Patient level registration is information that is true across encounters for a patient (contact information, emergency contacts, and patient care team).
  • Patient Photos - (Handout) A photo of the patient may be stored and viewed within the patient’s electronic medical record. Photos can be viewed, added/updated, documented as declined, and removed from within Registration.
  • Potential Duplicate Records Window - (Handout) When creating a new patient MRN (Medical Record Number), the Potential Duplicate Records Window will pop up showing any patients with similar information. Closely review this information to determine if a potential duplicate patient may already exist. If there’s an existing match, then use the existing patient MRN rather than creating a duplicate.
  • Registration Audit Trail Report - (Handout) All registration changes made to patient's record in one report. Data tracked shows type of change, who made change, and when.
  • Updating Institutionalized Patients’ Information - (Handout) Patients who have been institutionalized must be flagged indicating the specific institution where they reside, and require updates to their demographics. Additionally, patients who are in prison (i.e. a penitentiary or correctional facility) must have Emergency Contact and Patient Care Team information updated. Billing information updates are also required; however, those updates are handled by a small group in Patient Financial Services (PFS).

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