All providers should be registered for Epic LIP Basics and Ambulatory, Inpatient, or both (depending on their scope of practice). A test for exemption is available for those with prior Epic LIP experience (see registration information below). Registration for the Test-Out is in addition to the Core Classes. CLICK HERE to review the department or specialty-specific course information.

Practice Outside of Class: See Practice Using Epic for practice patients and logins that help target most common workflows within the Epic Playground environments.

Epic Provider Calendar

General Provider Courses

Course Length: 3 hours

Prerequisites: None

Registration: Online     Search for: Basics for Providers

Roles: UIHC Staff MD, ARNP, PA, Fellow Associate, Fellow, Resident or UICOM MD, PA, ARNP

Content: Intro to Hyperspace, understanding patient records, Chart Review, Results Review, Allergies, Problem List, History (Medication and Medical/Surgical/Family/Social), Diagnoses, Meds & Orders, Notes, and In Basket activities.

Course Length: 3 hours

Prerequisites: Epic LIP Basics or Epic LIP Test-Out

Registration: Online     Search for: Inpatient for Providers

Roles: UIHC Staff MD, ARNP, PA, Fellow Associate, Fellow, Resident, Hospitalist

Content: Patient Lists, Order Reconciliation, Best Practice Advisories, Charge Capture, and Navigators workflows for Admission, Rounding, Transfer, Discharge, Consult, and Procedure.

Course Length: 2.5 hours

Prerequisites: Epic LIP Basics or Epic LIP Test-Out

Registration: Online     Search for: Ambulatory for Providers

Roles: UIHC Staff MD, ARNP, PA, Fellow Associate, Fellow, Resident or UICOM MD, PA, ARNP

Content: Schedule, Pre-Charting, Charge Capture, In Basket and Navigator workflows for Rooming, Plan, Procedure, and Wrap-Up.

Class Length: 1-2.5 hours

Prerequisites: Prior Epic LIP experience

Registration: Online     Search for: Test 

Roles: UIHC Staff MD, ARNP, PA, Fellow Associate, Fellow, Resident, Hospitalist or UICOM MD, PA, ARNP

Content: Basics Test-Out is to be held from 8-9AM. Depending on the outcome, attendance may be required in the Basics class beginning at 9:30 AM. A passing score on the Basics Test-Out makes a provider eligible to take either the Ambulatory or Inpatient Test-Out (or both) immediately following the Basics Test. 

Specialty Courses

Roles: Anesthesia providers and SRNAs

Click here to find more information about Epic Anesthesia for Providers.

Roles: ED providers

Click here to find more information about Epic ASAP for Providers.

Roles: Providers who place and manage infusion treatment plans.

Click here to find more information about Epic Beacon / Treatment Plans.

Roles: Staff and Fellows performing and resulting Cath Lab procedures.

Click here to find more information about Epic Cupid for Providers.

Roles: Ophthalmology providers

Click here to find more information about Epic Kaleidoscope for Providers.

Class Length: Online/On-Demand

Prerequisites: Epic LIP Basics (or Epic LIP Test-Out) and Epic LIP Ambulatory

Registration: Register in ERMA for session number 63154

Roles: Non-Urgent Care/Quick Care Providers who need access to document the administration of medications within Epic.

Content: Medication administration documentation.

Roles: Staff Radiologists, Radiology Residents, Radiology Fellows, and Rotating Residents

Co-requisites: Epic LIP Basics for Providers or Epic LIP Test Out for Providers

Click here to find more information about Epic Radiant Training for Radiologists.

Roles: Any provider who sees obstetric patients. 

Click here to find more information about Epic Stork for Providers.

Class Length: Online/On-Demand

Prerequisites: Epic LIP Basics (or Epic LIP Test-Out) and Epic LIP Ambulatory

Registration: Register in ERMA for session number 54940

Roles: Urgent Care/Quick Care Providers who need access to document the administration of medications within Epic

Content: Clinic Map, Clinic Track Board, Express Lanes and medication administration documentation

Email for training options.


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