OpTime is Epic's operating room management system.

Provider Courses

Class Length: 3.5 hours

Prerequisites: None

Registration: Online     Search for: Anesthesia

Roles: Anesthesia Faculty, Residents, Fellows, CRNAs, and SRNAs

Content: Anesthesia workflows for pre-op, intra-op, and post-op.

Nursing Courses - Main OR, Ambulatory Surgery, Children's Hospital

Class Length: 4 hours

Prerequisites: None

Registration: Online      Search for: OpTime Pre

Roles: Nurses in Main OR DOSA, Main OR Intra op, Ambulatory Surgery Prep/Recovery, Ambulatory Surgery Intra op, Children's Hospital Prep/Recovery, and Children's Hospital Intra op.

Content: Interpret Status Board and Master Daily Schedule reports. Work through the Pre-Op Navigator sections including placing orders.

Training Login Sheets: OpTime Pre/Intra/Post

Course Length: 6 hours

Prerequisite: OpTime Pre Op

Registration: Online      Search for: OpTime Intra Op

Roles: Perioperative registered nurses working within the operating rooms.

Content: Work through the Intra Op Navigator sections including placing orders.

Training Login Sheets: OpTime Pre/Intra/Post

Course Length: 4 hours

Prerequisite: OpTime Pre Op (for Ambulatory Surgery and Children's Hospital Prep/Recovery nurses ONLY)

Registration: Online      Search for: OpTime PACU

Roles: Perioperative registered nurses working in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), Ambulatory Surgery and Children's Hospital Prep/Recovery areas.

Content: Work through the PACU / SSRF Navigator sections and Blood Administration.

Training Login Sheets: OpTime Pre/Intra/Post

Course Length: 2 hours

Prerequisites: OpTime Pre-Op (for Ambulatory Surgery & Children's Hospital Prep/Recovery nurses)

Roles: UIHC Nurses that are required to work with the Alaris infusion pumps.

Content: This lab is in partnership with NCEC. The Alaris Pump portion includes learning pump functions, a demonstration of integration (start/stop primary and secondary, Infusion Data Validate, intake volumes, associate/disassociate a running infusion, etc.), and non-integrated meds/blood.

Nursing Courses - Specialty Areas

Class Length: 4 hours

Prerequisites: Clinic Nursing Series

Registration: E-mail epictrainingrequests@healthcare.uiowa.edu

Roles: Registered nurses and medical assistants working in Digestive Diseases Center

Content: Interpret the Status Board and work through the Pre-Procedure, Intra-Procedure and Recovery navigators.

Class Length: 1.5 hours

Prerequisite: Clinic Nursing Series

Registration: E-mail epictrainingrequests@healthcare.uiowa.edu

Roles: Nurses and MAs working in the IVF procedure area.

Content: Interpret the Status Board and work through the Procedural Sedation and Intra-Op navigators.

Class Length: 3 hours

Prerequisite: None

Registration: E-mail epictrainingrequests@healthcare.uiowa.edu

Roles: Nurses, MAs, and NAs working in the Iowa River Landing (IRL) Procedure Area or Children's Hospital LL2 Procedure Area.

Content: Interpret the Status Board and work through the Procedural Sedation and Thin Log navigators.

Support Staff Courses

Class Length: 1-5 hours based on where the clerk is working.

Prerequisite: None

Registration: E-mail epictrainingrequests@healthcare.uiowa.edu

Roles: Clerks working in Main OR, Children's Hospital OR, or ASC OR pre op, intra op, and post op

Content: As appropriate based on where the clerk is working: find, interpret, and print the OR schedule, create and schedule OR surgeries, manipulate the OR schedule, enter patient timing events, and document pre-surgical phone calls. ADT topics can include admit to DOSA, transfer inpatients to Main OR, and discharge from SSRF.

Training Login Sheets: OpTime Clerk

Class Length: 2.5 hours

Prerequisite: None

Registration: Online      Search for: OpTime NA/Surg Tech

Roles: Surgical Technicians or Nursing Assistants in the Main OR, Children's Hospital OR, or ASC OR pre-op, intra-op, and post-op.

Content: As appropriate based on where the Nursing Assistant is working: find, interpret, and print the OR schedule, enter patient timing events, and document pre-op vitals, height and weight. Update the supplies, equipment, instruments pulled into a Case from the preference card.

Class Length: 2.5 hours

Prerequisite: None

Registration: E-mail epictrainingrequests@healthcare.uiowa.edu

Roles: Staff who perform surgical scheduling.

Content: Learn to schedule and update surgical cases using ORs At A Glance and Snapboard. Content also includes removing, bumping, and canceling cases.

Training Login Sheets: OpTime Scheduler

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