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In the Emergency department, the Patient Account Representatives (PARs) assist with patient movement using the Epic ASAP application. These tasks include arriving, registering, and discharging patients.
The following resources provide information on ED PAR functionality.
- Accessing a Restricted Patient Record - (Handout) To access a patient with Break-the-Glass set, the user must enter a reason and their password. Related Page: Break-the-Glass
- Arriving a Patient on Leave of Absence from Psych - (Handout) Patients on leave of absence from psych units for emergency medical care will have a unique question upon arrival that needs to be addressed.
- Arriving ED Referral Patients - (Handout) Patients sent from an outpatient visit to the ED will have an Expected Arrival created based on the order received in the ED PAR In Basket.
- Baby Arrival to ED Workflow - (Handout) When a baby is born in the ED or in the ambulance en route to the ED, ED PAR staff will create the new MRN for the baby while arriving the baby to the ED. The Arrival will then be linked to the mother’s MRN.
- Changing Checklist Settings - (Handout) The registration checklist can be personalized to show details most relevant to the user.
- Collecting an ED Co-Pay and Documenting a Reason for Not Collecting an ED Co-Pay - (Handout) ED PAR staff collect co-pays from ED patients. Credit/debit card payments and bank (checking) account payments are accepted in the ED. When a co-pay cannot be collected, staff should document the reason that the co-pay was not collected.
- Discharging a Patient from the ED - (Handout) ED registration staff will discharge a patient from the ED Track Board when they leave the ED. Steps are also provided on how to undo a discharge entered in error.
- Discharging an ED Patient with a Legal Status - (Handout) Patients with a legal status restricting discharge who are being discharged to an outside Psychiatry Hospital require a Discharge Disposition of “Psych HSP/Unit.” If discharging to some other location, the provider must first remove the legal status order.
- Virtual Consult Appointment Cancellation - (Handout) If an E-Consult encounter is created an error, or is a duplicate, the encounter should be cancelled.
- ED Arrival - (Handout) A patient who presents at the Emergency Department will be “arrived” in order to be placed on the ED Track Board.
- ED Expected Arrivals - (Handout) When the Admission Transfer Center (ATC) enters a pending admission for the ED, the patient will display on the Expected tab of the ED Track Board.
- Adding an Identity Theft FYI Flag - (Handout) When a patient has been a victim of identity theft or feels that they are at risk of identity theft, they may request that extra precautions be taken prior to discussing or releasing sensitive information.
- Infection Screening - (Handout) The infection screening questionnaire must be completed immediately upon or prior to arrival at UIHC, per UIHC Infection Screening guidelines set forth by Emergency Management and Bio-Emergency Response Team. The tool is used to aid in determining if a patient poses an infectious disease risk that requires immediate attention and isolation. The infection screening is completed at ED arrival, admission, and check in. It may also be completed by patient care staff when needed.
- Information Desk Census List - (Handout) The Information Desk Census List provides information about currently admitted patients at the UIHC. Users that access this information regularly can create a My List so this patient list is the default.
- Marking an Encounter "Self-Pay" or "Do Not Bill Insurance" - (Handout) Registration staff can indicate whether a patient is Self-Pay or Do Not Bill Insurance (DNBI) at the Hospital Account (encounter) level.
- Marking Patients for Merge - (Handout) When duplicate patients are created in the system by accident, the identity team can merge the two patient records. If a potential duplicate patient is identified on the front end, the patient should be marked for merging so it can be reviewed for a possible merge.
- Medicare Secondary Payor Questionnaire - (Handout) The MSPQ is the questionnaire associated with Medicare coverage for senior citizens and disabled persons and will be initiated at Check In and during insurance creation.
- Redirecting a Code STEMI to the ED - (Handout) ED registration staff will follow this process when a Code STEMI patient is planned by the ATC to go directly to the Cath Lab, but due to emergent reasons is directed to the ED first.
- Redirecting a Planned Admission to the ED - (Handout) ED registration staff will follow this process when a patient is planned by the Admission and Transfer Center to go directly to either the Cath Lab, an inpatient unit, or Labor and Delivery, but due to emergent reasons is directed to the ED first.
- Save the ATC Intake Patient List as a Favorite - (Handout) The Admission and Transfer Center (ATC) Intake List includes information related to patients routed through the ATC for internal or external transfer. Save this list as a Favorite for easy access.
- Scheduling an After Hours Encounter - (Handout) ED registration staff will schedule an after hours encounter for outpatient areas when a patient is seen by a provider and scheduling staff is unavailable.
- Set the Notify PCP Preference - (Handout) Event notifications alert the provider that the patient has received care at a different setting. If the patient expresses a desire to not have event notifications sent, staff can indicate that preference on the Admission or ED Update form.
- Setting a Private Encounter - (Handout) The Private Encounter field within an encounter is used to document a patient’s request to opt out of the facility directory. The patient’s name will not be included on external census reports for hospital operators and information desk.
- Standard Bed Hold Process - (Handout) To facilitate communication between staff, nursing and registration staff may place a Bed Hold to identify when a specific bed is being held for a specific patient. This can be done through the ED Manager or the ED Track Board.
- Super Triage Voalte Message - (Handout) To provide consistent medical information to Super Triage when sending Voalte messages, a Super Triage Voalte (.stv) smartphrase can be added to the Call Summary field of Contact History, after required navigator fields and smartforms have been completed.
- Undo a Discharge – Disposition “Deceased” - (Handout) Using Event Management to undo a discharge with a disposition of “Deceased”.
- Undo a Patient Status Marked “Deceased” via Registration Activity - (Handout) If a patient has been incorrectly marked as “Deceased” through the Registration activity, then the Registration activity should be used to undo this process. Marking a patient as “Deceased” cancels all future appointments, procedures, and admissions for the patient. This process to Undo will not reinstate those encounters. However, if the error is corrected within two hours, the inpatient orders will be reactivated.
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