ASAP is Epic's emergency department information system application. ED patient information is accessed in three main places: the ED Manager, ED Map, and ED Track Board. The ASAP application allows clinicians to track their patients through the entire ED visit and helps streamline workflows in a busy emergency department.


LIP  |   General Clinical Resources  |   Nursing


  • Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Documentation - (Handout) If a Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure occurs on a patient or staff member without an ED encounter, the Source Patient labs can still be entered by the ED provider via an Order/Notes Encounter.
  • Code STEMI, ECPR, Cath Lab Emergent Activation - (Handout) Effective 12/16/24 @ 0700 Patients having an emergency cardiac event will be admitted to the Cath Lab using the Quick Case workflow. This creates the Cath Lab case, sends a page/communication out to the appropriate location’s on-call team. 
  • ED Sepsis Bundle Attestation - (Handout) The SEP-1 (sepsis) quality metric requires the LIP to document before the 6h mark the response to the initial fluid bolus. When the ED LIP is required to complete this documentation, a BPA will display.
  • Emergency Department Self-harm/Elopement Risk Assessment - (Handout) Documentation reminder banners and color-coded security hold statuses are being implemented to better comply with requirements for assessing, observing, and caring for patients that present to the emergency department (ED) with emotional or behavioral health issues.
  • Level of Care (LOC) Definitions - (External Link)
  • Psych Leave of Absence for ED Providers - (Handout) When an admitted patient in the UIHC Psych Hospital needs to go to the Emergency Department, Leave of Absence (LOA) provides the ability to pause the patient’s Psych admission and subsequently resume that admission at a later time, without discharging and readmitting the patient. This process only applies to admitted UIHC Psych Hospital patients going to the Emergency Department.
  • Releasing Signed & Held Orders (ED LIP Workflow) - (Handout) If Inpatient/Admission orders need to be performed in the ED, the ED LIP needs to release the orders so they become active on the ED encounter.
  • Reviewing and Updating an ED Patient’s Legal Status - (Handout) This workflow reviews the process to identify and update a patient's involuntary legal status and is designed to PROTECT providers from being held in contempt of court if they discharge an involuntary patient without receiving a court order.

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General Clinical Resources

  • Central Line Insertion - (Handout) For central line and PICC line insertion, or dialysis catheters, the workflow begins with a provider placing the appropriate Order Set. The nurse then acknowledges the orders and documents the Time-Out and Checklist prior to the start of the procedure. Finally, the Checklist documentation is reviewed and a Bedside Procedure Note is created by the provider using NoteWriter.
  • Document Vitals Directly from the Track Board - (Handout) To save time, record a patient's vitals without leaving the Track Board.
  • Pregnancy Travel Screening - (Handout) Certain UIHC Ambulatory Clinics and Inpatient Units screen for risk for Zika virus in patients that are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. This tool aids in determining whether a patient may require additional consulting and/or special testing.
  • Requesting Transport for an ED Patient - (Handout) The Patient Transport activity is used to alert transport staff that assistance is needed to move a patient in the ED.
  • Reviewing Information for Outpatient to ED Patient Referrals - (Handout) The Emergency Department Referral (UIHC ED Only) order is used identify patients coming from a UIHC outpatient setting and automatically relay pertinent information from that visit to ED staff. If applicable, you can view relevant clinic visit information from the report including notes and any clinic orders (e.g. meds, labs, imaging).

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  • Standard Blood Administration and Collection Process in ED - (Handout) In the ED, blood transfusion documentation can be completed in the ED Narrator. The blood product transfusion workflow includes collecting the specimen, releasing the dispense order, documenting the administration and reviewing the data in a report. A critical feature of this process is the barcode scanning of the patient, blood specimen, and blood product.
  • Adding a New Level of Care Order - (Handout) When Indicia recommends a different Level of Care than the one specified in the provider’s Admission Bed Request order, Nurse Navigators (and others managing these situations) should follow this workflow to place a new LOC order.
  • Beaker Lab Collection - ED - (Handout) The workflows for Beaker Lab Collection in the Emergence Department are reviewed.
  • Creating a Learning Assessment - (Handout) A learning assessment is completed on the Assessment tab to document the patient's language, any barriers to learning, and learning preferences.
  • Nursing Protocol Order Sets for ED Nurses - (Handout) Use Protocol Order Sets to quickly enter orders for the ED Nursing protocols. These order sets also allow you to easily jump to the policy on the protocols they reference.
  • Standard Bed Hold Process - (Handout) To facilitate communication between staff, nursing and registration staff may place a Bed Hold to identify when a specific bed is being held for a specific patient. This can be done through the ED Manager or the ED Track Board.
  • Transfer of Medical Control for Patient Boarding in the ED - (Handout) Sometimes patients in the ED are ready to be admitted to the floor but a room is not available. In these cases, ED providers can transfer medical care to the inpatient care team via Transfer Medical Control order. Once medical control has been transferred, these patients are considered ED boarded patients and will stay in the ED until a room on the floor is available.
  • Transfer Medical Control to Inpatient Teams & Releasing Signed & Held Orders (Nursing Workflow) - (Handout) The Transfer Medical Control order is used by Inpatient Provider teams to indicate they will assume care of a patient boarding in the Emergency Department. Once the order is placed, the ED Nurse is responsible for releasing the new orders.

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