Cogito Palette is a single user experience for visualizing and understanding your data from multiple sources: Reporting Workbench, Radar and SlicerDicer. You can use Cogito reporting tools to answer a variety of questions about information in Epic.

The Analytics Resource Center (ARC): UI HCIS Analytics Resource Center ( The ARC is the hub for all Reporting and Analytics resources and training materials. Visit this site to view reporting-related resources; register for training courses and Office Hours; or to contact the Reporting team.

My Dashboards (Radar)

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Reporting Workbench


Tip Sheets

  • Accessing Lab Reports - (Handout) Users can search for reports to find whether a lab is pending, resulted, or needs to acquired. Saving a private view allows users to save their filters without affecting other users that utilize the report.
  • The Analytics Catalog - (Handout) The Analytics Catalog is your one-stop shop for reporting content, including reports, dashboards, and SlicerDicer sessions.
  • Convert MS Excel Date Fields - (Handout) When exporting Reporting Workbench reports to Excel, some date fields are exported in a "text" format. Use one of the following Excel tools to convert date fields back to "date" format.
  • Export Report Data - (Handout) Beginning October 1, 2019, Reporting Workbench data can only be exported to encrypted MS Excel files. Encryption requires a password that will be used to open the MS Excel file. There are some known issues with exporting (see the Known issues section for workarounds).
  • Placing Bulk Orders and MyChart Messages - (Handout) Epic users can run a Reporting Workbench report to place bulk orders and/or send MyChart messages for a select group of patients.
  • Reporting in Epic Quick Start Guide - (Handout) Walk through the most common reporting tasks using tools in Epic.
  • Running the Add On Appointment Report - (Handout) Ambulatory nursing or other clinic staff can run a report to find appointments that have been scheduled less than 5 days in advance for a given department. Patients appearing on this report will not receive an automated COVID-19 information call and should be called by clinic staff to be given this information.
  • Visualize Your Data with Cogito - (Handout) An easy-to-understand guide to determine the best way to visualize data within Cogito.

Department Specific Tip Sheets

  • Running the Discharge Prep Checklist Report - (Handout) Epic users (ex: providers, nursing directors, nurse managers, nurse navigators, social workers, etc) can run a Reporting Workbench report to find inpatients with an expected discharge date of today, tomorrow, or any date prior to today where the patient has a red item in their prep checklist and is used to assist in proactive discharge planning to promote patient throughput.

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General Resources

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SlicerDicer for Revenue

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