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- Cogito (Data and Analytics)
Cogito (Data and Analytics)
Cogito Palette is a single user experience for visualizing and understanding your data from multiple sources: Reporting Workbench, Radar and SlicerDicer. You can use Cogito reporting tools to answer a variety of questions about information in Epic.
The Analytics Resource Center (ARC): UI HCIS Analytics Resource Center ( The ARC is the hub for all Reporting and Analytics resources and training materials. Visit this site to view reporting-related resources; register for training courses and Office Hours; or to contact the Reporting team.
My Dashboards (Radar)
My Dashboards (Radar)
- Reporting Workbench Analytics Catalog - (Handout) Changes to Reporting Workbench and the features of the Analytics Catalog.
- Accessing the Learning Home Dashboard - (Handout) The Learning Home Dashboard contains links to resources for the end user (tip sheets, videos, etc) related to Epic workflows and efficiency tips. Users should check the learning dashboard often for regular updates.
- Create a New View of a Radar Dashboard (RDR102) - (eLearning: 7 min) Customize your dashboard to better fit your needs, or create your own dashboard.
- Configure Parameters from the Dashboard - (Handout) The parameter editor allows you to see all parameters that affect the dashboard and edit any parameter that an administrator made available to edit.
- Introduction to Radar (RDR101) - (eLearning: 6 min) Basic functionality includes launching a dashboard, viewing reports, and opening activities.
- Main Capacity and Planning Dashboard - (Handout) Definitions of the Main Capacity and Planning Dashboard components.
- Reporting in Epic Quick Start Guide - (Handout) Walk through the most common reporting tasks using tools in Epic.
- Nursing Impact Supervisor Summary Dashboard - (Handout) The UI Nursing Impact – Supervisor Summary dashboard shows nursing managers metrics covering their nurses' performance at a glance. Managers can look at their entire staff at once or drill into an individual nurse's metrics.
Reporting Workbench
Reporting Workbench
- Overview of Reporting and Reporting Tools (COG001) - (eLearning: 4 min) Introduce yourself to reporting in Epic.
- Navigating the Analytics Catalog (RPT001) - (eLearning: 5.5 min) Find reporting content in the Analytics Catalog.
- Run and Manage Reports (RPT005) - (eLearning: 7 min) Run a report to find and communicate with a patient population.
- Organizing Your Favorite Reports from My Reports (RPT304) - (eLearning: 3 min) Reports in the Favorite section of My Reports can be organized into folders.
- Modify the Search Criteria of a Report (RPT010) - (eLearning: 9 min) Reporting Workbench is used to add report criteria and customize a report's date range. Reports may need to be modified so the results returned accurately meet the reporting goal.
- Create and Save a Private View (RPT020) - (eLearning: 5 min) Save a customized private view of Reporting Workbench report results.
- Saving the Results of a Report (RPT302) - (eLearning: 3 min) Results can be saved in order to view them later.
- Anchor Columns in Reporting Workbench (RPT305) - (eLearning: 3 min) Anchor, or "freeze" a column in report results to reduce scrolling for information across a wide list of displayed columns.
Tip Sheets
- Accessing Lab Reports - (Handout) Users can search for reports to find whether a lab is pending, resulted, or needs to acquired. Saving a private view allows users to save their filters without affecting other users that utilize the report.
- The Analytics Catalog - (Handout) The Analytics Catalog is your one-stop shop for reporting content, including reports, dashboards, and SlicerDicer sessions.
- Convert MS Excel Date Fields - (Handout) When exporting Reporting Workbench reports to Excel, some date fields are exported in a "text" format. Use one of the following Excel tools to convert date fields back to "date" format.
- Export Report Data - (Handout) Beginning October 1, 2019, Reporting Workbench data can only be exported to encrypted MS Excel files. Encryption requires a password that will be used to open the MS Excel file. There are some known issues with exporting (see the Known issues section for workarounds).
- Placing Bulk Orders and MyChart Messages - (Handout) Epic users can run a Reporting Workbench report to place bulk orders and/or send MyChart messages for a select group of patients.
- Reporting in Epic Quick Start Guide - (Handout) Walk through the most common reporting tasks using tools in Epic.
- Running the Add On Appointment Report - (Handout) Ambulatory nursing or other clinic staff can run a report to find appointments that have been scheduled less than 5 days in advance for a given department. Patients appearing on this report will not receive an automated COVID-19 information call and should be called by clinic staff to be given this information.
- Visualize Your Data with Cogito - (Handout) An easy-to-understand guide to determine the best way to visualize data within Cogito.
Department Specific Tip Sheets
- Running the Discharge Prep Checklist Report - (Handout) Epic users (ex: providers, nursing directors, nurse managers, nurse navigators, social workers, etc) can run a Reporting Workbench report to find inpatients with an expected discharge date of today, tomorrow, or any date prior to today where the patient has a red item in their prep checklist and is used to assist in proactive discharge planning to promote patient throughput.
- SlicerDicer Core Team Presentation 7/10/2018 - (PowerPoint) Presentation shared at 7/10/2018 Epic Core Team meeting.
General Resources
- Creating Populations in SlicerDicer (RPT051) - (eLearning: 7.5) Create a criteria-based patient population to help you answer questions and trend results.
- Comparing Populations in SlicerDicer (RPT052) - (eLearning: 5.5) Use slices to split and summarize a population.
- Display SlicerDicer Sessions on a Dashboard (RPT060) - (eLearning: 6 min) Create a Dashboard to easily monitor SlicerDicer sessions.
- It's Possible: SlicerDicer (POSS043) - (Video: 1.5 min) Overview of the SlicerDicer application.
- It's Possible: Explore Data in Reports (POSS176) - (Video: 2 min) Learn how to filter large data sets in Reporting Workbench, explore them through SlicerDicer, and save the filters and visualizations you create.
- Overview of SlicerDicer - (Handout) SlicerDicer includes powerful data exploration abilities for clinical, access, and revenue subject areas.
- Overview of SlicerDicer (RPT050) - (eLearning: 4.5) Explore your patient populations using SlicerDicer.
- Reporting in Epic Quick Start Guide - (Handout) Walk through the most common reporting tasks using tools in Epic
SlicerDicer for Revenue
SlicerDicer for Revenue
- Introduction to SlicerDicer for Revenue Applications (REV151) - (Video: 9 min) Learn the basics of SlicerDicer for revenue applications and how it can be used to obtain helpful information. This is part 1 of SlicerDicer for Revenue Applications series.
- Jump Between Multiple Data Models with Pop Swap (REV156) - (Video: 6.5 min) Learn how to jump between SlicerDicer data models while maintaining the same set of data. This is part 5 of the SlicerDicer for Revenue Applications series.
- Saving and Sharing SlicerDicer Sessions (REV152) - (Video: 8min) Learn how to save SlicerDicer sessions and share those sessions with others. This is part 2 of SlicerDicer for Revenue Applications series.
- SlicerDicer Visualizations (REV153) - (Video: 6.5 min) Looking for more ways to utilize SlicerDicer for revenue applications? In this video, learn additional visual changes and ways of modifying and representing data in SlicerDicer. This is part 3 of SlicerDicer for Revenue Applications series.
- Ratios and Custom Data in SlicerDicer (REV155) - (Video: 6 min) Learn how to create a custom formula as a measure in SlicerDicer to calculate recovery rate and percentage for your payers. This is part 4 of SlicerDicer for Revenue Applications series.
- Tracking Denials and Payer Performance with SlicerDicer (REV154) - (Video: 25 min) Kelly Kloeckler (Associate Vice President of Revenue Cycle Operations for UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX) walks through how she uses SlicerDicer to analyze payer performance, denial trends and recovery rates.
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