Radiant is Epic's radiology application. These courses focus on Radiant tools and workflows for specific user groups.

Many of these courses are accessed online with additional content provided by the department. 

A supervisor or HR coordinator needs to register staff for training via ERMA. The drop-down menus below have the correct session number to register staff. Once registered, staff will receive a message to their UIowa email address with instructions for completing their Epic training on ICON.

Epic access will typically update within 2 business days of completing all Epic Education training. If you have not noticed a change in your Epic access after 2 business days, you may contact the help desk at 319-356-0001.

***For Cardiology staff, please refer to the Cardiology (Cupid) course page.***

Course Length: approx. 45-60 min.

Co-requisites: Epic LIP Basics.

Format: Online, Self-Paced.

Registration: HR will register the staff member in ERMA, via session #62073. Once registered, staff will receive an email with instructions for completing the ICON course.

Roles: Staff Radiologists, Radiology Residents, Radiology Fellows, and Rotating Residents.

Content: Overview the Imaging Dashboard, Reading Work List, Study Review, Protocol Work List, and Study History. Includes brief overviews of diagnostic and interventional workflows. (Note: Users will be trained on the PACS Carestream image viewer software within the Radiology Department.)

Login Sheets for Practicing in the Playground: Radiant Radiologist, Radiant Resident

Course Length: approx. 45-60 min.

Prerequisites: Epic Cadence Check In/Check Out.

Format: Online, Self-Paced.

Registration: HR will register the staff member in ERMA, via session #62182. Once registered, staff will receive an email with instructions for completing the ICON course.

Roles: Users who schedule and/or check in radiology appointments.

Content: Overview of the Front Desk activity, report settings, performing check-in from the Appointments report, scheduling a radiology exam, add-on workflow, and overview of Ancillary Orders.

Login Sheets for Practicing in the Playground: Radiant Front Desk/Scheduler

Course Length: approx. 45-60 min.

Prerequisites: None.

Format: Online, Self-Paced.

Registration: HR will register the staff member in ERMA, via session #62181. Once registered, staff will receive an email with instructions for completing the ICON course.

Roles: Technologists & Sonographers working in diagnostic radiology imaging areas (ex: CT, MRI, US, BI, etc).

Content: Reviewing patient information, Tech Work List overview, Verify Orders, Begin/End Exam workflow, locating ended exams, administering contrast documentation, and adding on an exam.

Login Sheets for Practicing in the Playground: Radiant Technologist

Course Length: approx. 45-60 min.

Prerequisites: None.

Format: Online, Self-Paced.

Registration: HR will register the staff member in ERMA, via session #62202. Once registered, staff will receive an email with instructions for completing the online course.

Content: Overview of Epic, Patient Lists, Chart Review, Results Review, Patient Reports. Specialized content specific to each role is to be provided within the department once the online training is complete.

Login Sheets for Practicing in the Playground: Radiant Technologist, Nursing Assistant

For Medical Center University (MCU) IR Nurses, please refer to the Clinic Nursing class series. IR nurses are required to attend those classes as many of their workflows are similar to other Ambulatory areas. Content specific to Interventional Radiology such as the Status Board and Procedure Log will be covered within the department.

For Medical Center Downtown (MCD) IR Nurses only, please email EpicTrainingRequests@healthcare.uiowa.edu directly, to schedule an in-person training.

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