We do not require classroom training in order for staff to view information within Epic. An Epic account must be requested for the staff member by their department HR Rep. This process is outlined on our home page including requesting an HR appointment, a Healthcare Account, and completing an Exception Form.

Users new to Epic may review a series of introductory eLearnings online. Visit the View Only resource page to access those eLearnings.

Course Length: 1 hour

Prerequisites: None

Registration: Online     Search for: View Only

Roles: All Staff who want to take a basic course on navigating Epic and viewing a patient's chart.

Content: Intro to Hyperspace, Patient Reports, Chart Review, Results Review, Care Everywhere, Secure Chat.

Class length: 1 hour

Prerequisites: None

Registration: Email epictrainingrequests@healthcare.uiowa.edu for the template change

Roles: Library staff who assist patients with library materials.

Content: View the following Epic eLearnings: 

Class length: No in-class training (eLearnings require 35 minutes)

Prerequisites: None

Roles: Welcome staff who assist hospital guests with directions and appointments

Content: View the Epic training videos and tip sheets on the Information Desk resources page.

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