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View Only Access
View Only access is provided to users who need to review information within Epic and will not be completing any documentation. These users are given a view only security template and do not require classroom training. Video tutorials are available to provide an overview of the basic Epic functionality.
The following resources provide information on View Only functionality.
Overview of Hyperspace for General Use (GEN006) - (eLearning: 11 min) Understand the components of and how to navigate Hyperspace (Epic).
Role-Specific Overview of Hyperspace (Epic) eLearnings
- Overview of Hyperspace in an Outpatient Setting (CLNAMB001) - (eLearning: 11.5 min) Understand the components of and how to navigate Hyperspace in an outpatient setting.
- Overview of Hyperspace in an Inpatient Setting (CLNINP001) - (eLearning: 9.5 min) Understand the components of and how to navigate Hyperspace in an inpatient setting.
- Overview of Hyperspace for Providers (MD100) - (eLearning: 12 min) Understand the structure of Epic and get to know Hyperspace.
- Help Resources (VIEW101) - (Video: 12 min) The help resources within the Epic button are reviewed.
- Patient Station and Open Chart (VIEW200) - (eLearning: 6 min:) Covers alternate means for locating patients in the system.
- Patient Lists (VIEW201) - (eLearning: 9 min) Covers basic use of Patient List activity.
- Patient Schedule (VIEW202) - (Video: 9 min) Covers basic use of the Patient Schedule activity.
- Viewing the Status Board (VIEW203) - (eLearning: 11 min) Covers basic use of the Status Board.
- Chart Review (VIEW300) - (eLearning: 8 min) Explore the various tabs in Chart Review for viewing documentation added to a patient's chart.
- Results Review (VIEW301) - (eLearning: 7 min) View patient results over time including labs, imaging, EKGs, and other diagnostic tests.
- Patient Reports (VIEW302) - (Video: 5 min) Instructions for locating and using Patient Reports, as well as customizing Patient Reports toolbar.
- Outside Records (VIEW303) - (Video: 12 min) Reviewing data from outside sources in Epic requires a basic understanding of how they are integrated. This resource includes an overview of Care Everywhere, MyChart, UI CareLink, lifeIMAGE, Outside Radiology Images, and Reconcile Outside Info and how they impact our electronic medical record (Epic).
In Basket Resources
- Overview of In Basket for General Staff (GEN630) - (eLearning: 5 min) Understand basic use of In Basket and define In Basket pools.
- Overview of In Basket for Providers (MD108) - (eLearning: 7 min) Basic use of the In Basket tool for Providers, including processing results messages and managing clinical tasks with the In Basket.
- In Basket Additional Basics (IB901) - (eLearning: 4 min) Additional In Basket basics, including sending staff messages, identifying Pool messages, editing In Basket Pools, attaching In Baskets, and out of office occasions.
- In Basket Advanced Techniques (IB902) - (eLearning: 6 min) Advanced In Basket techniques, including running public searches, custom messages searching, turning off auto-advance, reviewing sent messages, and setting up follow-up actions for messages.
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