This training track is for the Enterprise Payment Posters (back-end). All courses below are required and should be attended in the following order to receive appropriate Epic security.

Individuals doing point of service payment posting should attend the POS Payments course (for details click here).


Class length: 2.5 hours

Prerequisites: Must have completed these video tutorials:

Registration: Online      Search for: Revenue

Roles: UIHC staff who will perform limited registration activities on accounts.

Content: Updating registration information (such as Demographics, Care Team providers, guarantor accounts, and coverages), filling out the MSPQ, creating Behavioral Health guarantor accounts, and accessing accounts from workqueues.

Training Login Sheets: Prelude Revenue


Class length: 3 hours

Prerequisites: Registration for Revenue

Registration: Online      Search for: Payment

Roles: Payment Posters

Content: Create payment posting batches, post guarantor payments, post PB/HB insurance payments, denials, and crossover payments. Correct payment posting errors, complete the batch, use payment posting reports, and resolve NSF payments.

Training Login Sheets: Resolute Payment Poster

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