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Urgent Care and Quick Care
In our Urgent Care and Quick Care clinics, we utilize the standard Epic tools for ambulatory care, but we also utilize Epic's Urgent Care module and Express Lanes to efficiently track and manage patients, and streamline the documentation needs for common reasons of visit. Epic's Urgent Care Module is designed for Urgent Care and Quick Cares, to help clinicians operate at a higher degree of efficiency while maintaining an outpatient model of care.
- Urgent Care Module Implementation and Go-Live Presentation - (Presentation) Overview of the tools of the Urgent Care Module and Implementation timeline for Epic's Urgent Care Module at UIHC.
- Adding Patient Instructions to the AVS - Clinical References - (Handout) The Patient Instructions activity allows you to add in depth information and patient instructions to the AVS quickly.
- Use the Patient Station to Find the AVS from a Prior Encounter - (Handout) At the end of an IP (inpatient) or OP (outpatient) encounter, Epic creates a static copy of the After Visit Summary (AVS). To view the Static AVS from a prior encounter, use the Patient Station report pane as a shortcut.
- Capturing Electronic Signatures for the Consent for Operation or Procedure Form - (Handout) How to capture electronic signatures for the Consent for Operation or Procedure form.
- Managing Patient Movement with the Clinic Map (UC001) - (eLearning: 3.5 min) The Clinic Map shows the physical layout of your urgent care clinic. View the Map to quickly find where patients are located and see patient details without opening a chart.
- Managing Patient Assignments with the Clinic Track Board (UC002) - (eLearning: 4.5 min) The Clinic Track Board is the first screen you see when you log in. It contains detailed information about all urgent care patients and helps you see your assigned patients, assign yourself to new patients, and open patient charts quickly.
- It's Possible - Express Lanes (POSS047) - (Video: 2 min) The Express Lane activity is a specially programmed navigator deigned to complete the most common visits quickly and in one place. If a visit becomes more complex, the usual activities are available. Express Lane will appear if various conditions (like specific chief complaints) are present. If there is only one Express Lane SmartSet match, it will open automatically. Otherwise, staff will choose the most appropriate one from a list of Express Lane SmartSets.
- Urgent Care - Quick Start Guide for Urgent and Quick Care Staff - (Handout) The Urgent Care Module in Epic has multiple tools which help clinicians easily manage patients who present at our Urgent or Quick Care Clinics.
- Urgent Care Express Lanes for Nursing and Providers - (Handout) Express Lanes are used at our Urgent and Quick Care Clinics to quickly prep orders and complete documentation for common reason for why patients are seen. Express Lanes are used by both Nursing and Providers in the Quick Care and Urgent Care settings.
- Beaker Quick Start Guide - (Handout) Beaker is Epic’s laboratory information system to document specimens throughout collection, lab processing, and resulting.
- Communication Log - (Handout) Using the Communication Log to Document Contacts in Beaker.
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