The FYI activity is where you can document patient-specific information that is not clinically relevant but still important to know for someone viewing their chart. The activity stores this information in brief notes known as flags.


The following resources provide information on FYI functionality.

  • FYI Frequently Asked Questions - (Handout) The FYI (For Your Information) activity can be found when you are within a patient’s chart in Epic. Here are some of the commonly asked about the FYI activity.
  • Adding an Identity Theft FYI Flag - (Handout) When a patient has been a victim of identity theft or feels that they are at risk of identity theft, they may request that extra precautions be taken prior to discussing or releasing sensitive information.
  • Checking In a Patient with an Identity Theft FYI Flag - (Handout) When a patient with the Identity Theft FYI Flag presents for Check In for a clinic visit (not Emergency Department or Urgent Care), staff will first verify the patient’s identity, and then document the patient’s identity was verified within the Check In workflow.
  • Patient Admitted Under Wrong MRN - (Handout) When a patient is admitted under an incorrect MRN, an FYI flag can be added to alert users.
  • Special Consent FYI Flags - (Handout) When releasing patient information, users may encounter flags or alerts indicating that a patient’s record is restricted. One such flag is the Special Consent FYI Flag. Users encountering this flag should examine the information to be released and ensure an appropriate Release of Information authorization is on file to decide if/how to release the patient’s information. This handout covers how to perform this process in various workflows.

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