Ancillary documentation is completed in Epic by a variety of roles and may include both ambulatory and inpatient encounters. Examples of some of the roles included under Ancillary are rehab therapists, child life therapists, speech-language pathologists, dietitians, social workers, interpreters, and chaplains.


The following resources provide information on documentation functionality for specific Ancillary roles.

Hospital Operators

Interpreter Services

Spiritual Services

  • Religious/Cultural Beliefs/Practices Screening - (Handout) Nursing required documentation for inpatient admissions includes a Screening for Religious/Cultural Beliefs/Practices. Requests from patients/families with a documented high distress level should be sent to the appropriate pager (Interfaith 3437 or Catholic 3589).

Wendell Johnson Speech & Hearing Clinic

  • Enter Charges using Charge Capture - (Handout) Charge Capture allows providers to enter charges for a patient/client visit and send those charges to billing staff for processing.

  • Co-Signing WJSHC Notes (UIHC Provider Workflow) - (Handout) Occasionally, staff at Wendell Johnson will need to add a UIHC staff as a co-signer for a note. In these cases, UIHC staff will find the note to cosign in their In Basket, open the encounter within the WJSHC service area, and Cosign or Attest the note.

  • Insert an Image in a Clinic Note - (Handout) Images may be included in notes within Epic using the Insert Image icon on the notes toolbar. Images must be stored in a location that is accessible through Epic.

  • Route Documentation using Communication Management - (Handout) Communication Management (aka comm management) allows encounter-specific information to be sent to the patient’s care team as well as other designated recipients.

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