Therapy Plans are a pre-defined set of orders that are administered over multiple encounters at specified intervals. This function is utilized by many departments. Click here to review education resources related to Therapy Plans.

Class Length: 1 hour

Prerequisites: Ambulatory LIP course

Required Course: NO - this course is optional. Providers can download the Quick Start Guide (below) or email to register for hands-on training.

Registration: E-mail

Roles: UIHC Staff MD, ARNP, PA, Fellow Associate, Fellow, Resident

Content: Configure the Schedule activity to view Therapy Plans, create/modify/discontinue/transfer/review a Plan, Order Schedule vs. Order Details, reports for expiring plans and inactive providers, reactivating a removed order, and Episodes of Care.

Training Login Sheets: Use this information to get logged into the Playground / Practice Epic environment and work with Therapy Plan patients. Therapy Plans for Providers & Nurses

Training Materials: Therapy Plan Quick Start Guide

Class Length: less than 1 hour

Prerequisites: Clinic Nursing courses

Registration: E-mail

Roles: Ambulatory Nurses and MAs

Content: Configure the Schedule activity to view Therapy Plans, release orders, modify a Plan, Order Schedule vs. Order Details, reports for expiring plans and inactive providers, reactivating a removed order, and Episodes of Care.

Training Login Sheets: Therapy Plans for Providers & Nurses

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