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- Research
Epic's research support features assist in setting up and maintaining research studies at the UIHC including research study patient tracking, research billing, and other features related to Best Practice Advisories and reports. The Research Study Maintenance activity allows research coordinators to create a record for each study that includes a study description and the individuals working on the study. The Research Studies activity is used to link a patient to one or more studies and track the status of the patient for each study.
The following resources provide information on Research functionality.
- Add the Research Studies to Your Toolbar - (Handout) To quickly find the Research Studies activity, add it to the Epic toolbar.
- Clinical Research Clinic Snapboard Scheduling - (Handout) or Clinical Research Clinic Snapboard Scheduling (CAD901) - (Elearning: 6 min) Research coordinators and others with access to schedule in the Clinical Research Clinic can schedule appointments in the Clinical Research Clinic using the Snapboard.
- Clinical Research Clinic Advanced Scheduling - Joint Appointments (CAD902) - (Elearning: 9 min) Part two of the Scheduling in the Clinical Research Unit series. Research coordinators scheduling in the CRU must use Joint Times to schedule appropriately.
- Changing an Appointment from the Snapboard - (Handout) Date and Time of appointments, Appointment Notes, Providers/Resources (for example, if the CRC Check-In Desk was forgotten), and Appointment Lengths can all be changed from the Snapboard by using the right click menu.
- Create a Study Report - (Handout) Reporting Workbench can be used to display patients that are associated with research studies and their enrollment status.
- Link Charges to Research Studies (RSCH080) - (Elearning: 3 min) An introduction to the Research Billing activity in Epic. NOTE: Be aware this activity is only available to Research Billing staff with specific Revenue security that allows them to access it.
- Link Encounters to Research Studies - (Handout) After a patient is associated with a research study in Epic, the patient’s encounters can be linked to that research study.
- Managing ADT Event and Post‐Mortem Notifications for Research - (Handout) ADT Event and Post-Mortem Notifications are tools to aid in timely documentation of Adverse Events potentially related to a research study. These notifications are sent to Study Team Members’ InBasket for real time documentation.
- Mark as Study Candidate - Use a report action in Reporting Workbench and SlicerDicer to mark patients as potential study participants.
- Onsite Monitoring - Provide Outside Reviewer Access Using ROI - (Handout) Access for Non-UIHC staff to review patient protected health information via Epic using Release of Information (ROI) workflows.
- Prevent Draw Charges for Research Study Specimens - (Handout) For outpatients in clinical care areas, draw charges are automatically generated when a blood specimen is received into the Specimen Control Laboratory. If a Research Team member is collecting a study-only specimen and sending it to the Specimen Control Laboratory for analysis, they must complete these steps in order to prevent a draw charge from posting to the patient’s account.
- Remote Monitoring - Provide Access via UI CareLink to Study Monitors - (Handout) It is not always possible for external study monitors to be on site to review research participants’ records. Study coordinators can provide time-limited access for monitors to those records via UI CareLink. CareLink is only used when the monitor is NOT onsite.
- Research Studies (RES901) - (Video: 15 min) An overview of research studies functionality including if a patient is eligible for (or already connected with) a research study, accessing the Research Studies activity to view or edit a patient’s status, and using reports to gather data from studies in which a clinician is involved.
- Research Studies Activity - (Handout) The Research Studies activity allows research coordinators to manage patients associated with one or more of their studies. An “active” status appears in the patient banner for enrolled or consented patients within the screening process.
- Research Study Transaction History - (Handout) Use the Research Study Billing Breakdown dashboard to view the total posted amounts by transaction type for a single research study as specified by the user.
- Research Study Team - My Studies Radar Dashboard - (Handout) Use Dashboards to view accrual information and other research related data for your studies
- Review Record of Consent Details & Staff Contacts - (Handout) Now that OnCore interfaces with Epic, staff will need to use one of the following options to locate Research Study staff contact information and Record of Consent details for Oncology clinical trials.
- User SmartSet for Research - (Handout) Users can create own versions of order sets and look up other user versions of order sets. Multiple versions of the same set can also be created.
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