Anesthesia Billing is a supplemental eLearning for anesthesia coders. Anesthesia coders must have completed Charge Entry/Review/Corrections 1, 2, and 3 prior to taking Anesthesia Billing.

Training Login Sheets: None – Anesthesia Billing is an online, interactive eLearning. 


Charge Entry/Review/Corrections 1 and 2 must be completed before taking Anesthesia Billing.



Class length: 14 minutes

Prerequisites: Charge Entry/Review/Corrections 1, 2, and 3

Registration: Online    Search for: Anesthesia Billing

Roles: Anesthesia coders

Content: Review the anesthesia coding workspace and basic anesthesia coding workflows.

Training Login Sheets: None – Anesthesia Billing is an online, interactive eLearning.

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