Release of Information is part of Epic's Health Information Management system and used to process release requests for patient charts.

Resources for All Staff

Resources in this section cover approved workflows for all staff.

Resources for HIM Staff Only

Resources in this section cover processes that are only to be done by staff in the Health Information Management Department.

  • Creating and Editing a Requester (HIM908) - (Video: 8 min) This video outlines how to create and edit a Requester within the Release of Information module within Epic.
  • ROI Using Chart Gateway - (Handout) The Chart Gateway is a tool that, with authorization from both the patient and UIHC and/or our affiliated organizations, sends the relevant information electronically to fulfill insurance company queries for ROI.
  • ROI Using EHI Doc Templates - (Handout) How to release EHI in a machine-readable format for either a single patient or a population of patients using Epic's EHI Export solution. The Clarity database is a main source for much of the EHI Export data. This workflow uses the EHI document template (doc template) within the Release of Information (ROI) activity to fulfill information requests.

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