Procedures are documented in a number of ways within Epic including the Procedure navigator, Procedure Notewriter, and Office Procedures.


The following resources provide information on Procedure functionality.

Workflow for Central Line, PICC, and Dialysis Catheter Insertions

  • Central Line Insertion - (Handout) For central line and PICC line insertion, or dialysis catheters, the workflow begins with a provider placing the appropriate Order Set. The nurse then acknowledges the orders and documents the Time-Out and Checklist prior to the start of the procedure. Finally, the Checklist documentation is reviewed and a Bedside Procedure Note is created by the provider using NoteWriter.
  • Anesthesia Central Line Insertion Checklist - (Handout) Before a Central Line Insertion begins in a procedural area, a staff member will document the results of the “time-out” that is performed (in accordance with policy PC-PCI-05.41). Depending on the type of procedure being performed, this documentation may cause an additional group of rows to appear on the flowsheet for staff to complete.

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