The Pedigree activity provides a visualization of a patient’s family history which helps to identify valuable insights across generations. Add to a patient's family members and their conditions in the Pedigree activity to capture clinically relevant details.


The following resources provide information on Pedigree functionality.

  • Copying Family History Between Siblings - (Handout) Fill a pediatric patient's blank family history with information from their pediatric sibling's chart in just a few clicks from the Family History and the Pedigree activity.
  • Document Family Health History in the Pedigree - (Handout) Record family structure and health history in the Pedigree activity. Build family trees and document important details about conditions and family members.
  • Pedigrees (POSS086) - (Video: 2 min) Learn how to review family medical history in Pedigree, where you can see what’s running in the family or drill down to a specific condition.

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