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- OpTime
OpTime is Epic's operating room management application which serves three primary functions: surgery scheduling, preference card management, and perioperative documentation.
The following resources provide information on OpTime functionality.
Click here for OpTime resources specific to Medical Center Downtown (MCD)
- Admitted Patient not returning to old bed Following Procedure - (Handout) When clinician places case request order for a procedure and indicates that patient will not return to their old bed.
- Anesthesia Central Line Insertion Checklist - (Handout) Before a Central Line Insertion begins in a procedural area, a staff member will document the results of the “timeout” that is performed (in accordance with policy PC-PCI-05.41). Depending on the type of procedure being performed, this documentation may cause an additional group of rows to appear on the flowsheet for staff to complete.
- Anesthesia Snapboard - (Handout) The Snapboard is used to assign Anesthesia resources to rooms and cases.
- Antibiotics in the Operating Room - (Handout) Specific process to follow for ordering and documenting the administration of certain antibiotics that are part of the drug tray.
- Beaker Lab Collection - OR - (Handout) The workflows for Beaker Lab Collection in Main OR & ASC Pre/Post are reviewed.
- Beaker Specimen Collection - OR/Procedural Intra Op - (Handout) The workflows for specimen collection in the Main OR, ASC OR, SFCH OR, and procedural areas are reviewed.
- Bed Request (OpTime) - (Handout) If a procedure patient was to be discharged from recovery, but it is later determined that the patient requires hospitalization or observation after surgery, submit a bed request.
- Brief Op Note - (Handout) To support patient safety and meet regulatory requirements, a brief op note describing key elements of all procedures needs to be completed immediately following a surgery.
- Cancel Case/Log Workflow - (Handout) If a case is canceled, specific steps need to be followed based on when the decision to cancel is made.
- Completing a LDA Group - (Handout) After documenting the removal date/time for a Line/Drain/Airway, use the Flowsheets activity to complete the group.
- Confirming Surgery Arrival Time - Information Desk - (Handout) The Information Desk can confirm a patient’s surgery arrival time through the Pt Station activity using the pre-op phone call information for the surgery encounter.
- Consent for Operation/Procedure Documentation - (Handout) The workflow for documenting consents will allow OR nurses to attach a consent form to the surgical encounter.
- Deceased Organ Donor Patient in the OR - (Handout) Following organ procurement, the patient will be discharged from the OR with the discharge disposition of Deceased. Date and time of discharge is when the patient leaves the OR.
- E-I-S Procedure Navigator - (Handout) The E-I-S activity tab is for documenting Equipment, Instruments, Implants and Supplies used during an outpatient procedure visit. This functionality is designed to bring certain OpTime functionality to areas outside of the OR and provide an easier documenting method.
- Flexible Scope Documentation - (Handout) To document a flexible scope used for a procedure, search for the Parent scope and then document the specific scope that was used.
- Inpatient MRI with Anesthesia - Clerk - (Handout) Anesthesia/OR Clerks will be able to view orders for Inpatient MRI procedures in the depot and assist with the scheduling process. This document outlines the entire process.
- Inpatients Recovering in SFCH05 PACU - (Handout) Inpatients who have had a procedure with anesthesia and will recover in SFCH05 PACU will be transferred to SFCH05 PERIOP.
- Intra-Op MAR: Nursing Medication Documentation for Dual Step (Chemo) Meds - (Handout) Steps to follow for Intra op nurses documenting chemo meds.
- Intra-Op Meds - Medication Documentation - (Handout) Steps to follow for Intra op nurses documenting medications administered in the OR by the surgical team or nursing team.
- Intra-Op Meds - Placing Medication Orders - (Handout) Steps to follow for Intra op nurses placing orders for medications coming from Pharmacy or from the drug basket.
- Intra-Op Supplies Documentation - (Handout) Supplies will be documented in the Supplies section of the Intra-op activity.
- ‘One Click’ Scheduling and Check In for Med GI/Hepatology Procedures - (Handout) The Med GI/Hepatology Procedure Unit will use ‘One Click’ to schedule and check in patients for after-hours procedures.
- OpTime Perioperative Admission, Discharge, and Transfer - (Handout) Perioperative areas will follow specific workflows when admitting, discharging, and transferring patients.
- OpTime Perioperative Workflow Documenting Time-Outs for OR Procedures - (Handout) Pre-Induction, Pre-Incision, and Debriefing time-outs must be performed for OR Procedures and are documented from the IntraOp Navigator.
- OpTime Schedule After Hours OR Cases - (Handout) After hours OR cases will be scheduled on the Snapboard.
- OpTime Snapboard - (Handout) The Snapboard will be used for scheduling OR cases.
- OR Admission for ED Expected - (Handout) When a patient with an ED Expected intake goes directly to the OR instead of the ED, the ATC should be contacted to update the intake to a Direct Admit. Alternately, the OR Clerk can complete the admission from the Status Board.
- Outpatients Recovering in SFCH05 PACU - (Handout) Outpatients who have had a procedure with anesthesia and will recover in SFCH05 PACU will be admitted to SFCH05 PE.
- Perioperative Blood Workflow - (Handout) Workflows for blood products in the OR are described.
- Placing a Multi-Service Case Request Order - (Handout) Placing a case request order correctly will enhance scheduling accuracy and day of surgery operations.
- Placing an Order for a Retained Object - (Handout) Intra op nurses will use these steps in the Manage Orders activity to place an order for a retained object.
- Posted/Unposted Log Report - (Handout) Common warnings that prevent procedure logs from being posted can be resolved by following specific steps.
- Print Patient Labels in Epic - (Handout) Printing patient Labels and Patient ID Band barcodes from various locations within the electronic medical record.
- Procedure Areas (DDC, SFCH LL2, IRL Procedure Suite) Nursing Work Flows - (Handout) The workflows for Beaker Lab Collection in procedure areas are reviewed.
- Psychiatry Transfers to Periop Areas - (Handout) The process for psychiatry inpatients who need OpTime procedures in perioperative areas is covered. This is a new process effective 3/7/2017.
- Releasing Medication Orders for OR Procedures - (Handout) Nurses will release signed and held medication orders in the On-Call to OR, Preoperative, and Intraoperative phases of care.
- Rover Log In and Finding Patients - (Handout) Use the rover mobile app to quickly access patient information from Rover-capable devices.
- Rover Image Capture - (Handout) Clinical staff can use the camera integrated into their Rover device to capture clinical images for the patient’s chart. Images captured with Rover are stored on the Media tab of Chart Review.
- Snapboard Nursing Assignments- (Handout) The Snapboard is used to assign Nursing resources to rooms and cases.
- Surgical Workflows - (Presentation) Detailed description of the documentation workflow for the surgical patient, including terminology, pre-procedure, pre-operative, and post-operative workflows. Refer to slide 2 for a clickable links to jump to specific steps in the workflow.
- Viewing the Status Board (VIEW203) - (eLearning: 11 min) Covers basic use of the Status Board.
- DDC Procedure Nursing Optimization - (Handout) The Procedural Sedation activity will be used for pre, intra, and post procedure documentation.
- UNOS/ABO Verification for Transplant Recipients and Living Kidney Donors - (Handout) An ABO Recovery Verification (Donor) section will display in the Intra op navigator for living donor patients. Expected ABO Verification, Organ In Room, and ABO Verify sections will display in the Intra op navigator for recipient patients.
- UNOS/ABO Verification in OR (TXP901) - (Video: 7 min) Pre-Transplant Organ Verification must be properly documented to ensure the safety of organ transplant recipients and ensure that our program is compliant with regulatory mandates.
- View Scanned Surgical Consent in Sidebar - (Handout) The scanned surgical consent can be displayed in a sidebar when documenting the timeout.
- View/Print Preference Cards without Patient Information - (Handout) Preference cards can be viewed and printed for procedures, surgeons, locations, and/or services.
- Visit Messaging - (Handout) Text message updates can be sent to families of surgery patients.
Document Collection
- Collecting an Electronic Signature for the A&A - (Handout) If an A&A needs to be collected, a warning message will display when admitting. An electronic copy of the form will be collected using the electronic signature pad.
- Collecting an Electronic Signature for the HIPAA Privacy Notice - (Handout) If the HIPAA Privacy Notice form needs to be collected, a warning message will display when admitting. An electronic copy of the form will be collected using the electronic signature pad.
- Manually Expiring a Document - (Handout) Occasionally, documents need to be manually expired due to a change in policy or specific departmental needs. This can be completed from the Documents Table during Check In when needed.
Medical Center Downtown OpTime Resources
- Manually Release the Holiday Template for GI Appointments - (Handout) On-Call staff can manually release the Holiday Template if needed to schedule an appointment in the correct room.
- OpTime Perioperative Arrival for MCD - (Handout) The perioperative area will arrive outpatient surgery and same day admit surgical patients.
- OpTime THA TKA CMS Questionnaires - (Handout) Questionnaires must be completed for patients undergoing total hip or total knee elective procedures.
- Schedule GI Procedures and Add-On After Hours Procedures for MCD - (Handout) GI procedures will be scheduled as appointments on the Snapboard.
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