lifeIMAGE has been replaced by InteleShare as of 3/25/2025.  Please see the InteleShare Epic Resources page for more information.


The following resources provide information on lifeIMAGE functionality.

  • Overview of LifeIMAGE (LIFE901) - (Video: 3 min) An overview of lifeIMAGE and how various outside sources send data through it to our electronic medical record (Epic).
  • Outside Records (VIEW303) - (Video: 9 min) Reviewing data from outside sources in Epic requires a basic understanding of how they are integrated. This resource includes an overview of Care Everywhere, MyChart, UI CareLink, lifeIMAGE, Outside Radiology Images, and how they impact our electronic medical record (Epic).
  • CD Upload through the Schedule - (Handout) OR CD Upload through the Schedule (LI001) - (Video) When a patient brings a CD into the clinic, it must be uploaded into Epic through lifeIMAGE. After upload, these images can be viewed using the Outside Radiology Images activity.
  • CD Upload Without an Appointment - (Handout) When a CD is received, it must be uploaded into Epic through lifeIMAGE. In the event the patient does not have an appointment scheduled, the images can still be loaded.
  • lifeIMAGE Review Sheet - (Handout) A review of common mistakes made when using lifeIMAGE.
  • Requesting Outside Radiology Images - (Handout) A one time request can be created through lifeIMAGE to allow outside institutions to send radiology images to UIHC.
  • Sending Radiology Images to UIHC - (Handout) The Sending Radiology Images to UIHC handout can be emailed when requesting outside radiology images to guide the outside institution through the process.
  • Uploading CDs with No Patient MRNs - (Handout) If images are received for a patient that is not in Epic, the images will be uploaded through the lifeIMAGE website. After upload, these images can be viewed using the Outside Radiology Images activity in Epic.

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