Letters is an Epic activity that provides a list of letter templates and existing letters for the current encounter or admission. From here, the user can choose a letter to edit or create a new one.


The following resources provide information on Letters functionality.

  • Creating and Editing Letter Encounters (CLR902) - (Video 6 min) This video details how to create and edit letter encounters in Epic.
  • Here's How... Communication Management (POSS186) - (Video: 2 min) Learn tips to efficiently use the Communications section to draft, route, and send letters.
  • Letter Encounters - (Handout) The Letter Encounters activity is used to create and edit letters which can be routed to others for review prior to printing and sending.
  • Sending Letters - (Handout) The Letters activity is used to create and edit letters. Users can route letters to other Providers, Care Team Members, and Patients. Please note that Letters become a permanent part of the patient’s legal medical record.

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