Epic's "It's Possible" & "Here's How" videos provide short coaching sessions on how to use Epic more efficiently.

Ambulatory Documentation

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Inpatient Documentation

  • Brain (POSS112) - (Video: 1 min) Learn about the Brain - a view that helps nurses better plan and work through their shift by putting key patient information and tasks in one place.
  • Flowsheet Efficiency (POSS102) - (Video: 1 min) Learn how to speed up your flowsheet documentation with a few efficiency tips.
  • Here's How...Flowsheet Macros (POSS189) - (Video: 1.5 min) Learn how to document common assessments in a few clicks with flowsheet macros. See how to quickly create a macro and even share it with colleagues.
  • Here's How... Place Orders in Rover (POSS158) - (Video: 2 min) Learn how to place orders on the go or at the bedside using Rover.
  • Med Rec Efficiency (POSS114) - (Video: 1 min) Learn how to see reconciled medications in the sidebar, and how to see inpatient meds and home meds side-by-side during discharge med rec.
  • Pedigrees (POSS086) - (Video: 2 min) Learn how to review family medical history in Pedigree, where you can see what’s running in the family or drill down to a specific condition.

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