Epic’s Infection Control application is designed to help Infection Preventionists reduce and effectively treat infections throughout the continuum of care, from early identification of infection risk factors to analysis of patient data over time. Infection Control enhances clinicians’ existing workflows with tools for patient care, communication, organizational best practices, and analytical reporting.


The following resources provide information on Infection Control functionality.

  • Document Infections - (Handout) NHSN and other reporting agencies require that certain pieces of information be documented for every infection case you report. You'll need to decide when an infection case is necessary, then document the needed information.
  • Document LabID Events - (Handout) NHSN has a program for reporting any time an organization's laboratory identifies certain multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) and C. difficile. This is called laboratory-identified (LabID) event reporting.
  • Document Procedures - (Handout) NHSN and other reporting agencies require that organizations report information about the total number of procedures performed for the procedures for which the organization is reporting surgical site infections (SSIs). This information acts as the denominator when reporting agencies calculate the standardized infection ratio (SIR) for particular procedures.
  • Document Ventilator Associated Events - (Handout) Use the VAE Cases - Newly Created repot to report Ventilator-Associated Events (VAEs) to the NHSN. The system automatically adds a ventilator-associated condition (VAC) to patients who meet the NHSN's criteria for the first tier of a VAE.
  • Export for NHSN Reporting - (Handout) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) is a Health Level 7 standard that provides a framework for electronic documents. CDA documents are the only allowed format for uploading data to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) website.
  • Find Patients with Infections - (Handout) Overview document for locating at-rist patients.
  • Manage Isolations and Infections - (Handout) You can access the Isolations and Infections activity from the Patient Lists activity or from within the patient's chart.
  • Manually Resolve COVID-19 Infection - (Handout) The preferred method of resolving a COVID-19 infection is through the COVID-19 BPA. In the event that the BPA has been snoozed but the infection needs to be resolved, use this alternative workflow to manually resolve and document.
  • Nurse Charting Tools (INP064) - (eLearning: 5 min) Understand how to chart in Epic.
  • Overview of Hyperspace in an Inpatient Setting (CLNINP001) - (eLearning: 10 min) Understand the components of and how to navigate within Hyperspace.

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