Cosmos is a dataset created in collaboration with a community of health systems using Epic and is designed to improve patient care. By combining their data, participating organizations and Epic can make new discoveries and advance medicine. Cosmos also powers tools at the point of care, providing insights to clinicians that are tailored to the patient in front of them.


  • Look-Alikes Quick Start Guide - (Handout) You can search the Look-Alikes network right from your patient’s chart to find other clinicians across the community who have experience caring for patients similar to the one you're seeing. You can then reach out and collaborate with those colleagues to get the clinical insights you need to care for your patients.
  • POSS190 Here's How...Look-Alikes - (Video: 2 min) Learn how the Look-Alikes network helps you connect with physicians who have cared for rare patients that are similar to yours.

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