Compass Rose supports your care coordination needs: including population health, health plan case management, and community programs. With Compass Rose, you can efficiently manage outreach, engage patients and their support networks, collaborate on care plans, and connect with community partners to improve individuals’ well-being and the health of your populations. 

Transitional Care Management (TCM)


Introduction to Radar - (eLearning) - General information about how to use dashboards to run and review reports.


Transitional Care Management Quick Start Guide - (Handout) A comprehensive guide to using Compass Rose functionality for Transitional Care Management after patient discharge.

Transitional Care Management - Frequently Asked Questions - (Handout) Frequently Asked Questions to  explain how to use Compass Rose tools for TCM  outreach and documentation.

Manually Create a TCM Episode - (Handout) If a patient’s PCP is at a Pilot Clinic and is discharged to a care facility or from a Non-Iowa Health Care institution, you can manually create a TCM episode.


Chronic Care Management (CCM)

The following video, eLearning, and documents provide information on Compass Rose functionality.


  • Compass Rose Overview - (video) - A step by step tutorial of the general workflow for Chronic Care Management in Compass Rose.
  • Introduction to Radar - (eLearning) - General information about how to use dashboards to run and review reports.


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