Refer to the Acute Nursing Registration Guide for details about those areas which are required to attend other (or additional) training.
Practice Outside of Class: See Practice Using Epic for practice patients and logins that help target most common workflows within the Epic Playground environments.
Charge Nurses
Class Length: 3.5 hours
Prerequisites: Inpatient RN series
Registration: E-mail
Roles: Inpatient charge nurses or managers, Nursing Unit Clerks, and Nursing Assistants cross-training as clerks.
Content: An overview of Hyperspace and Bed Board. In-depth exploration of the Unit Manager activity including care areas and the legend, managing bed requests and bed blocks, completion of Direct Admits and Incoming Transfers, Patient Transport, Update Patient Location, Discharge, and Event Management.
Inpatient RN
Class Length: 7.5 hours
Prerequisites: None, although nurses with prior Epic experience may attempt a proficiency exam – passing the exam exempts an individual from this course.
Registration: UIHC managers must contact the Nursing Clinical Education Center at 6-4304.
Roles: UIHC Inpatient Nurses
Content: Overview of Hyperspace, patient lists, nursing Brain, Navigator use, managing orders, allergy updates, adding/removing LDAs, admission assessments, screenings, updating immunizations, flowsheet documentation, note-writing for nurses, patient education, care planning documentation, patient instructions, and many other tips and tricks.
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