All courses below are required and should be attended in the following order to receive appropriate Epic security.
Class length: 2.5 hours
Prerequisites: Must have completed these video tutorials:
- VIEW100 Overview of Epic (10 min)
- VIEW101 Help Resources (11 min)
- VIEW200 Patient Station and Open Chart (4.5 min)
- VIEW300 Chart Review (13 min)
Registration: Online Search for: Revenue
Roles: UIHC staff who will perform limited registration activities on accounts.
Content: Updating registration information (such as Demographics, Care Team providers, guarantor accounts, and coverages), filling out the MSPQ, creating Behavioral Health guarantor accounts, and accessing accounts from workqueues.
Training Login Sheets: Prelude Revenue
Class length: 4 hours
Prerequisites: Registration for Revenue
Registration: Online Search for: PB
Roles: Revenue Cycle Coordinators and Patient Account Representatives
Content: Professional Billing outstanding claims and denied claims.
Training Login Sheets: Resolute Credits
Class length: 4 hours
Prerequisites: Registration for Revenue
Registration: Online Search for: HB
Roles: Revenue Cycle Coordinators and Patient Account Representatives
Content: Hospital Billing outstanding claims and denied claims.
Training Login Sheets: Resolute Credits
Class length: 3 hours
Prerequisites: Registration for Revenue, PB and HB Insurance Follow-Up
Registration: Online Search for: Credit
Roles: Revenue Cycle Coordinators, Revenue Cycle Representatives, Patient Account Representatives, Coding Representatives, and Coding Coordinators
Content: Resolve undistributed PB/HB self-pay balances, redistribute credit balances, and refund balances.
Training Login Sheets: Resolute Credits
Class length: 3 hours
Prerequisites: Registration for Revenue, PB and HB Insurance Follow-Up, Credits (Self Pay)
Registration: Online Search for: Credit
Roles: Revenue Cycle Coordinators, Revenue Cycle Representatives, and Patient Account Representatives
Content: Request insurance refunds, resolve duplicate payments, resolve EOB posting errors, and work contractual variances.
Training Login Sheets: Resolute Credits
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